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Zürcher R Kurse

Reproducible reporting and dynamic documents

Dozierende Prof. Dr. Reinhard Furrer & Dr. Roman Flury, University of Zurich
Abschluss Confirmation of participation

Novice and advanced R users from all professional groups.

  • CHF 400.- for members of UZH/ETH and associated institutes
  • CHF 600.- for alumni of UZH/ETH, members of other universities, the public sector and non-profit organizations
  • CHF 800.- for companies

Persons without current employment can register for the UZH/ETH fee upon request.

Kurssprache English

The course gives an introduction to reproducible writing and dynamic
documents. Topics are:

* basics of reproducibility:  
  The introduction provides the motivation and rationale for working reproducibly.

* Markdown/RMarkdown:
  We introduce the lightweight markup language Markdown and its extension RMarkdown.

* knitr (Sweave):
  We present the knitr engine which handles documents containing R code and a markup language.

* creating presentations:
  We illustrate how to create presentations out of RStudio, including different slide formats (pdf/html/...).

* tips and tricks:  
  We discuss good practices for reproducible reporting and dynamic documents.

The course consists of an alternation between theoretical input and practical tasks.

The course is aimed at participants with a basic understanding of R and RStudio (e.g., have already visited an introductory course in the past) but little or no previous experience RMarkdown, knitr, ioslides, etc. We will not discuss or need LaTeX in its full breadth in this course.

Participants are required to bring their laptops to the course with recent versions of R and RStudio and will be informed by email in advance which packages they need to install.


Daten May 5 2022